Sunday, November 21, 2010

it's been a bit...

I confess...I sometimes even think in bullet points. Being the type to overthink things, I wonder if my bullet posts are annoying. Then I realize it's my blog and I can do as I please. Then I wonder again. Then I think I want more followers....some sort of ego thing....then I wonder if bullets bore followers. Really, life in my head is quite complex.
  • Two weeks ago, I missed a birth control pill one night (took two the next). Normal women take a week off of active pills every month. I don't since I take them to control the endo. I was off with ONE pill after years of no misses. I ended up curled in the fetal position for a week.
  • Yesterday, I went to the store and bought a pint of ice cream and a copy of Shape magazine. I caught the cashier (well, self-checkout supervisor-type) grinning.
  • I've come to a conclusion on the marriage stuff. I am not mad at X for divorcing me. I am, however, mad at him for marrying me. He knew the problems that ended up making him leave were there and just hoped they'd change. He didn't take me as who I am. I admit I'm not perfect, I own that I have issues that contributed to the problems, but I was open about those. I took him as he was (he isn't perfect either...), he didn't do the same.
  • A guy hit on me the other day. We'd made eye contact at a bar (we were the only ones under 60 there alone). He came over and said "You have pretty hair." I thanked him. He said "It's long." I said "Yes" and that I'd worn it long for many years. He fumbled with his beer and then eventually left. It was kinda sweet and felt nice but, as a suggestion to readers, an opening compliment is lovely but you need to have a follow-up. Yes, I could have helped, but wasn't feeling motivated (or, honestly, attracted).
  • I can feel my core muscles getting stronger from PT. Definitely a good thing. I get nervous before appointments sometimes because I can't think of much to say and you kind of need to talk during the assisted stretching part.
  • I've never been a fan of the Thansgiving meal. I am, however, looking forward to: lox pinwheel appetizers, squash, and dessert. And red wine...but that's a given.
  • My mom has always cooked Thanksgiving. She puts on music since she's in the kitchen for a while. It is often the only time of the year the CD player is on and it is often Barbara Streisand (some stereotypes of New York born Jews hold true). For this reason, whenever I hear Memories, People (Who Need People) or other such songs, I think of turkey.
  • An addition to my treadmill tv viewing is On Demand episodes of The Defenders. I was really surprised to enjoy it. Not "fine TV" by any means, but a fun watch.
  • I want to see Harry Potter but want to let the crowds die down. I'll admit they've all fallen downhill for me after the first...but that's not unlike me.
  • I'm waiting for a new shipment of books. I've taken to buying used ones in good shape from Amazon. There's usually a $3.99 shipping charge on each since they are from different places (not Amazon itself) but that's not a bad deal when the books are usually between a penny and four dollars.
  • My birthday is sneaking up. It triggers a random bit of mental trivia from an English teacher. She said to watch out for 33 year olds because that's the age at which Jesus is said to have died and thus it often has meaning when used. I'm wondering what meaning 33 will have for me. My 32nd year was not a good one but it does present the opportunity for 33 to be a re-birth of sorts. Now the same voice at play in the intro to this post is wondering if that statement would be offensive to some people. I hope not.


Lee said...

I think 33 will be a good year for you. And I will follow your blog!

The Rambling Blogger said...

thanks, lee!

JAG said...

I will continue to read your Blog. Check your email

Lesley said...

A rebirth of sorts would be great.

I suspect good things for you.

Ellyn said...

Hi just came across your blog. And I approve of the bullet points... Also, I prefer red wine to thanksgiving meals anyday!